Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Generation of Miracles—Or Rather, A Sort-of Introduction to Them

Most people that know me know that my personal obsession is with Kuroko no Basuke, and that if you let me get started, I'll probably go on for hours about it. In my zeal, I managed to convert two more to this fandom, both of whom have now caught up with the manga and season 2 of the anime. But if I go on like this, I don't think we'll get anywhere, so today I'm going to go over a conversation I had with one of those previously mentioned friends about the Generation of Miracles.

But first, an exceedingly brief introduction to Kuroko no Basuke, Or the Basketball Which Kuroko Plays. In short, this anime is about a boy who is "invisible" and uses this skill in basketball as misdirection to pass to the others on his team without their opponents noticing. At Teikou Middle School, the title character, Kuroko Tetsuya, was the phantom 6th man of the monstrous Generation of Miracles, whose genius was so great their personalities became a bit warped. Now they're in high school and as he faces off against them with his current team, Seirin, Kuroko tries to revert the Generation of Miracle to how they were at the start of middle school, when they all loved basketball.

The Generation of Miracles, known as the Kiseki no Sedai in Japanese, is an elite group of basketball players that bloomed while they were in middle school. I think there's a really interesting dynamic between them, and even though I was impartial to them at first, I've really come to like all of them (except maybe Akashi and Murasakibara, who haven't been in the series as much as the others have.)

How I feel about the characters:

Kuroko Tetsuya

I feel connected to Kuroko's invisibility sometimes, like people forgetting that he's there or getting creeped out when they realize that I'm behind them, but I'm also glad that I was able to make good friends at school, like Kuroko and Seirin and the relationships that he's been building back up with the Generation of Miracles. Sometimes he's a bit plain, but it's not like it isn't exciting when someone who used to catch nobody's attention is now at center stage. It basically destroyed his purpose on the court, but there was only so much a shadow could do before he realized his own "light".

Unbelievable as it was, Kuroko was made even more useless than normal, killing the hearts of his fangirls everywhere. Poor Kuroko can't even pass a ball without getting stopped anymore.

Kise Ryouta

Out of all the characters, I feel connected to Kise the most. He's bored with life because he's too good at everything, and he picks up skills easily. So naturally he masters every sports with his "Perfect Copy," and he thought little of basketball until he saw Aomine playing and was amazed by it and the fact that he couldn't beat Aomine. So they practiced together everyday, and Kise was finally inspired to do something.It was really sweet, watching this bored guy finally want to do something, and after the final episodes of Season 1, I think that a lot of people came to like Kise, especially those that didn't think much of him before. I mean, Kise had this whole declaration about how in order to beat Aomine, he would stop admiring him, which means that since their second year of middle school, or for over 2 years now, Kise, who isn't impressed with anything, has been admiring Aomine. Even I can't help but ship this.

Midorima Shintarou

This guy, according to his essentially-best-friend, Takao (see picture below), is a tsundere, and there are quite a few reasons why nobody denies this. Midorima is more of a tsuntsun than anything else, I guess, but I don't feel like looking up the scenes to prove this at the moment, nor am I talking to that friend that keeps getting mentioned (you know who you are), so it's not like I'm looking through the manga for things to explain the relationships between the Generation of Miracles either, but whatever. Sorry Midorima, you don't get an actual introduction either. If anyone cares, his star sign is cancer and his position is SG, or shooting guard. In the series so far, he's never missed a shot in which the basketball wasn't touched.

Takao Kazunari

(Takao isn't a part of the GoM so he doesn't get an introduction. However, he's a Scorpio and his position is PG, or point guard.)

Aomine Daiki

This guy is a beast when it comes to basketball. His skills are the highest of any character's, as you can see from the chart below that the Internet won't allow me to freely move within this text. Anyways, Aomine is part of Touou Academy, a school with a generally free curriculum. He doesn't show up to practice, and his hobbies include looking at models in magazines. His favorite model is Horikita Mai. His hair is technically both black and blue, and since the Generation of Miracles' names correspond with their hair color (a post for another day), but Aomine and Kuroko's hair colors correspond with each other's names, there has been tons of fan speculation about what this could mean, especially among the fangirls. (This references the manga, in which Aomine's hair is black, however, it's established that Kuroko's hair is blue from the start, even though in manga it's white. Anyways, this is an inside joke so whatever.)

Murasakibara Atsushi

Murasakibara loves eating, and essentially, when he's not playing basketball he has something in his mouth. As you can see from the picture. It's a "Maiubo," directly translating to "tasty stick". This guy is freakishly tall, and out of the all the GoM, he's the most loyal to Akashi. However, Murasakibara is easily lured to do his friend Himuro's bidding with food, and will follow "Muro-chin" wherever as long as he has enough snacks for the trip. As Kuroko Tetsuya says, "When he is not playing basketball, he is basically a kid with a screw loose. Sometimes you see a sportsman like him. A genius in one area, and totally incapable in anything else." One of Murasakibara's skills is scooping goldfish.

Akashi Seijuro

Akashi is the leader of the Generation of Miracles, He has a dominant personality, and the pressure on him from his father to be successful in everything is great. His "Emperor's Eye" is an ability that was forcibly awakened in him one day when Murasakibara challenged Akashi's leadership, saying that he wouldn't play under someone weaker than him. Akashi had to show him who was really in charge, but he almost lost the game that decided their fates. Murasakibara has not rebelled again. As of right now in the manga, Akashi is the only person in the Generation of Miracles who hasn't had a change in heart caused by Seirin.

So, as you can see, this is a bit of a ridiculous blog post giving you information at the same time as my ramblings. Until next time,
